Diabetes Warrior Turned 1 Last Week

Things were a little hectic last week… and a milestone was reached without acknowledgement.

… my blog was ‘birthed’ May 5, 2010.  Here was my first post… a ‘recipe’ for “Meat Muffins” … seems appropriate some how. :)

If you check the archives there are older posts that go back to January ’10, that’ s due to importing posts from a previous blog.

My first blog was “Steve Cooksey’s Journey” (most of it was PRE-PRIMAL). We should never look at fitness/health as a destination.  When we do… we tend not to stay there long.  Look at it as a life long journey …. you will not regret it …  I have not. This blog was discontinued in the last quarter of 2009.

Next came paleowarrior.com … I started it in January 2010 during my ‘Paleo Warrior’ phase. :)  I loved the name and feel … but I found that everything was pointing toward diabetes. If you don’t know already, a low carb primal / paleo meal plan is the best meal plan for ALL people…not just diabetics.

I was afraid the word ‘paleo’ might not appeal to many of those people with diabetes. I decided to appeal specifically to diabetics by including diabetes in the address/blog name, while hoping some people interested in weight loss and just better health would read as well. Also, having diabetes in the blog name would help maintain the blog’s focus.  Besides… my blog’s ‘phrase” is Diabetes Management from  a Paleolithic Perspective … so I have ‘paleo’ in the message. :)

Therefore on May 5th 2010,  I began Diabetes-Warrior.net.

My sincerest thanks to ALL who comment, share links, contribute ideas etc etc etc.

I want to give special thanks to the people who have volunteered their stories in the “Paleo Stories” section. It’s not easy for some to share intimate details about their life and health… but  they do it because they realize it can help others.   Again… special thanks to you all.

If you have a story that you would like to share … contact me.

Primary Mission Statement : To arm diabetics with the weapons they need to fight the battle with diabetes … and WIN!

I daily attempt to educate, motivate and entertain.

I strive to show people how I (and others) successfully perform Diabetes Management from a Paleolithic Perspective.

If you do not know, the meal plan I follow (Low Carb Primal) is a low inflammation meal plan that helps treat many diseases and ailments… not just diabetes.


Just want to close by saying THANK YOU for your support. There are MILLIONS of people in the United States ALONE that need to have this information.  Approximately 75 million in the USA are diabetic or pre-diabetic.

Here are the top posts in past 12 months.

10) Is 90% Failure Rate … good enough?

9) Fast Food Causing Canine Diabetes?

8) Would THIS Shock You?

7) Why Low Carb Works… the Three Amigos

6) MY Diabetes – Food Journal Comparison

5) ADA Diet is Low Carb?

4) Intermittent Fasting … what it is.

3) My Dairy Fast

2) Giving Credit to Richard Nikoley Yes… Richard is #2 … lol. Apologies for high school humor. :)

Drum roll….. and the top post of my first year??? ….

1) Link between Carbs and Type 2 Diabetes


Take care all … thank you ALL again and … spread the word… Low Carb Paleo is THE meal plan you and your friends should be following. :)


Here is my Diabetes Warrior Info:

My Diabetes Meal Plan ( a true diabetes diet, not like most of those promoted by American Diabetes Association)

How I Play

1 thought on “Diabetes Warrior Turned 1 Last Week”

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Where’s my darn “Meat-Muffin” ?

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