More Max & Steve Vids… (100 Burpees?)

Serious Business first…

I know that some of you think I am not really doing  300, 200 or even 100 burpees…

I have done 300 jump burpees indoors, with a ceiling fan, floor fan and the AC was set on 72 degrees. I did them in about an hour. The most I’ve ever done outside was 232 burpees on a 78 degree day.

Doing burpees outside in the heat, humidity and sun is almost unbearable…. but I take breaks and do not “over do it”.

Having said that… I DETEST, HATE… I LOATHE doing 100 Burpees for time, EVEN MORE!!! To truly excel… you have to go “without oxygen”… you have to “let go” of the fact that you need oxygen… or at least it seems that way to me.

If I hate it so…why do I do them??? Because I love a challenge… PLEASE do not see this as Steve “showing off”… because I assure you … I am not. There are MANY people who can do 100 Burpees in the 5-6 minute range. I am showing you what a FORMER OBESE DIABETIC can do in less than 18 months with consistently daily action.

My personal record is 7:50 , these were 8:28.

I have been Zero Carb for eleven days now… and when I did these burpees, I had been on an 17hr Intermittent Fast. So do not listen to ADA Minion who say… “you must have 120 grams of carbs per day to survive” … I have thrived on less than 50g per day for 11 months!!! (usually less than 30g and recently sub 10g per day)

Did I do 100 … was it less or more….??? Hmmm….

AND NOW….for the FUN!… at least to me it was. :)

To set this up, it had been raining VERY hard for about 5 minutes with the usual thunder and lightening… no big deal. BUT when the wind began to roar… I became very “interested” in the storm. By the time I found my video recorder … worst was over but you can still see the wind blowing the rain into the streets… I know I know…so what?  Next vid please. :)

Here is where it gets funny…. at least to me. I had recorded the storm and was about to put the camera up when I thought…hmmmm. Thunder, lightening… Max will be hiding somewhere. Let me see if I can record him shaking like a leaf. He’s so funny when it storms.

In the video below… look at his face ….his eyes when I ask him if he wants to go outside…. :)))))

Hope you enjoyed this… YES!!! Even DIABETIC WARRIORS LAUGH and play…. some times… :))

Peace out!!!

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