Size Matters….

Serving size matters …  that is. The American Diabetes Association or as I like to refer to them… American Diabetes Ass., likes to tell everyone that they do not promote a high carb meal plan.  Sadly, many diabetics believe them. To some degree the ADA is able to ‘get away with this’ thanks to TINY serving …

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Baby Formula and Diabetes

From this post we learned …

1) Typical cow’s milk baby formula increased the incidence of autoantibodies which are strongly linked to Type 1 Diabetes.

2) A hypoallergenic lactose free baby food reduced the frequency of Type 1 Diabetes by 60%, compared to the control group fed cow’s milk based formula.

3) Toxins (AGEs) have been found in baby formula, toxins that can increase the risk of diabetes and other diseases.

Saturated Fats & Cholesterol are Required

The truth is dietary saturated fats and dietary cholesterol are required for optimum health. Translation:  Our bodies need, indeed require dietary cholesterol for optimum health. Our livers produce cholesterol, it’s that important Real fats, including saturated fats give our body the energy it needs to thrive   The medical industry including doctors, nutritionists and diabetes educators …

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